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Zenith is a reputable nautical enterprise in the Egyptian market. It has succeeded in getting a significant market share due to the renowned brand of boats and yachts it offers including luxury boats, high performance boats, family boats and cruisers, fishing boats, and yachts, that satisfy the different tastes and requests of customers.

About Us
  • Zenith is a reputable nautical enterprise in the Egyptian market. It has succeeded in getting a significant market share due to the renowned brand of boats and yachts it offers including luxury boats, high performance boats, family boats and cruisers, fishing boats, and yachts, that satisfy the different tastes and requests of customers.
  • Among the important factors contributing to this upward surge is the dynamic attitude adopted by its owner – Rami Boutari – who is personally involved in providing every client with the most appropriate boat that meets individual needs, interests, and budgets.
  • The Zenith warehouse and showrooms boast of many boats and yachts on stock that are available for immediate delivery. the technical support team is well trained and has all the necessary technical and operative know-how to grant maximum satisfaction to the customers.
  • Zenith provides its customers with several exclusive services: No matter where the customer is, a simple phone call from the customer will get immediate assistance regardless of time and place, even if it is in the height of the season. Most spare parts and accessories are also on stock, and the technicians are available to service the boats very rapidly, and whenever necessary. They can additionally teach new customers how to operate and clean their boats.
